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If you would like to explore the monastery and cultural landscape of the Stiftland, you are cordially invited to join one of the three guided tours through the monastery town of Waldsassen or the Stiftland with our monastery landscape guides.

  • Thursday, 17.10.2024, 15.00: (Almost) along the monastery wall – monastery landscape in the monastery town (Michaela Müller; approx. 2h, distance approx. 2.5 km)
  • Friday, 18.10.2024, 15.00: Experience the monastery landscape in the monastery town (Gabriele Achmann; approx. 2h, route approx. 1.5 km)
  • Saturday, 19.10.2024, 1.30 pm: Guided tour of the monastery landscape with baroque highlights (Michael Rückl; approx. 4h 30 min, distance approx. 10 km)

The meeting point for the guided tours is at the Diepoldbrunnen fountain in front of the collegiate basilica.   Due to limited places on the guided tours, please register by email to martina.zanner@ikomstiftland.de or by telephone on 09632 9247349 by October 11, 2024.

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