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Peace, joy and castle fun

3rd Children’s Festival on Saturday, July 6, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

On July 6, the Giechburg is once again firmly in the hands of children. At the 3rd children’s festival of the Bamberg district, young and old knights and damsels can explore the castle from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Under the motto “Peace, joy, castle fun!” many great and interesting hands-on stations await.

Volunteers organize party for children

The idea for a children’s festival at Giechburg Castle came from the ranks of volunteers a few years ago. Due to the great success of the first two children’s festivals, volunteer officer Friederike Straub and district youth worker Oliver Schulz-Mayr have once again organized a festival for older and younger children this year. Thanks to the support of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, Sport and Integration and in cooperation with the Bavarian Sports Youth, the Bamberg-Land District Youth Association, KoBis, Integration through Sport and the VR Bank Bamberg-Forchheim and the great support of volunteer clubs, the festival once again offers a varied program this year.

The children’s festival takes place in all weathers and is free of charge. Parking is available below the castle. For those who are not so good on foot, a free shuttle bus runs from here up to Giechburg Castle.

Stations and offers:

  • Soapbox ride: You’re sure to spot the fantastic vehicles as you approach the castle! Get in!
  • Let yourself go – abseiling from the castle
  • Stalls with beekeepers, carrier pigeons, birds of prey and much more – get to know nature!
  • Exercise at different stations: Would you like to learn how to use a bow and arrow or keep fit for the next jousting tournament? Be fair!
  • Colorful studio: Let the brushes paint “peace”! Take courage!
  • Photo session: Dress up like a damsel or a knight in the beautiful tower room! We’ll capture this moment for you in a great souvenir photo.
  • Story bower: always sneak in at the full hour of the tower clock and be curious what you will hear!
  • Face painting in the tower
  • Bouncy castle: “Here you can really let off steam”
  • Graffiti & castle workshop: Let your creativity run wild!
  • What is the monk doing in the mill? Crafting, puzzling and designing with Cisterscapes
  • and much more

All offers are free of charge.

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