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The Klosterland series has the motto: “Transformation – art and handicrafts in monasteries” and invites you to immerse yourself in various areas of monastic culture.
Whether bookbinding, art publishing or paramentics: our KLOSTERLAND member Dr. Felicitas von Aretin (journalist and author) will bring the diversity of monastic worlds to life on the respective salon evenings with her discussion partners, who come from very different monasteries. Beuron “Kunstverlag – a successful monastic niche business” A conversation with Father Mauritius Sauerzapf, OSB, Beuron Archabbey Please REGISTER for the online salon at: salon-p-mauritius@klosterland.de You will receive the access data by email immediately after registering.about the person Father Mauritius Sauerzapf has been publishing director of the renowned Beuron art publishing house since 2005.
In 2019, the Benedictine monk celebrated his golden profession at Beuron Archabbey.
Father Mauritius is also active as a religious author. Beuroner Kunstverlag The art publishing house was founded back in 1898 as part of the establishment of the Beuron Art School.
Initially, the publishing house focused on art prints.
The range was later expanded.
In the first half of the 20th century, publishing products boomed: Pictures of saints and cards achieved a circulation of up to 3.5 million.
Even though orders declined, the niche publishing house has managed to hold its own to this day.
The Beuron annual calendar, an edition of the Rule of Benedict and the works of St. Hildegard are popular.
The publishing house contributes around 40 percent of the abbey’s total income and employs a total of seven secular staff.
The monastery’s own print shop was closed in 2006. Kloster-Salon In the interview, Father Mauritius reports on how, as publishing director, he has managed to steer the Beuron art publishing house through difficult times as a niche publisher.
They also discuss how the decline in church life is affecting sales and how cooperation with secular employees is working.  

Further dates and information on the salons can be found on the following website https://klosterland.de/events – or here in the overview.
– Participation in the salons is free of charge


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