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Wednesday, 15.01.2025; 19.00 hrs; Kunsthaus Waldsassen


Antje Grüner, IKom Stiftland | Project Manager Öko-Modellregion;

Martina Zanner, IKom Stiftland | Project Manager European Heritage Label Cistercian Monastery and Cultural Landscape in Stiftland

Sustainability and respect for nature have not only been an issue since the increasing awareness of climate change. Industrial progress and the belief that we can control the forces of nature have made us forget that centuries ago, success was only possible by adapting to the natural environment. This can be illustrated by the example of the Cistercians, who still shape Europe today with the cultural landscapes they created. One of their recipes for success was to take into account the geological and climatic conditions at the monastery site. Please register at: antje.gruener@ikomstiftland.de or 09635 9240-467

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