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Bus trip to the Ebrach gourmet market

Waldsassen Monastery

If you would like to discover culinary delights from various Cistercian monasteries, experience the opening of the new Cistercian museum in Ebrach and explore parts of the monastery complex there on 22.09.2024, you can still register for the bus trip. There are still places available. Travel to Berni's birthplace!

Bad Doberan: Doberan Monastery Days 2024 – Monastery experience

SPIRITUAL TOURISM - EDUCATION AND ENCOUNTER This year's Monastery Days are being held under the heading "EXPERIENCE LOCATION CLOSTERY". After the reception to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Association of Friends and Sponsors of Doberan Monastery on Friday, September 20, 2024, we can look forward to interesting contributions. The potential that our monastery complex

Ebrach: Enjoyment day and opening of the “Cistercian Landscape” information center

Information Center Orangery Ebrach Lagerhausstrasse 5, Ebrach

Following the EHL award ceremony in Antwerp, our Cisterscapes network is about to reach another festive milestone: the opening of the "Cistercian Landscape" information center in the former orangery of the upper abbey garden in Ebrach on 22 September 2024. The unveiling of the seal plaque and the opening of the center are embedded in

Maulbronn: Guided walk around the monastery – The cultural landscape of the Cistercians

Maulbronn Monastery Klosterhof 5, Maulbronn

For many centuries, the Cistercian monks shaped the landscape around the monastery. Traces of this cultural landscape have been preserved to this day and represent an important cultural-historical testimony. The walk leads from the farmstead with the monastery mill via the monastery vineyard, the quarries and the deep lake to the Schafhof, a former Maulbronn

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