ARGE Fisch Tirschenreuth educational trip to Austria, Waldviertel and South Bohemia: Pond management – current challenges

ARGE Fish Tirschenreuth

ARGE Fisch in Tirschenreuth, in cooperation with TEGOF and Fischerzeuger-Ring, is planning an educational trip on the topic: Current challenges in pond farming and how other regions in Europe are dealing with them. This year, we will be traveling to the Austrian Waldviertel and South Bohemia. We in the Waldviertel are particularly interested in the


Plasy Monastery: Conference “The Plasy Monastery (Plass) in Context”

Plasy Monastery

The National Institute for Monument Preservation, the Museum and Gallery of the Northern Pilsen Region in Mariánská Týnice and the National Technical Museum - Center for Architectural Heritage invite you to the conference "The Plasy Monastery in Context", which will take place on September 11-13, 2025 in the premises of the Center for Architectural Heritage

Eberbach Monastery: Lectures “500 years of the Peasants’ War”

Mönchsrefektorium Kloster Eberbach

Eberbach Monastery © Sven Moschitz       Lectures "500 Years of Peasants' War" Prof. Nina Gallion, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz: Old Law and New Faith. The Peasants' War of 1525 and its background   Dr. Hartmut Heinemann, scient. Archivist (retired), Hess. HStA, Wiesbaden: What happened? What remained? The year 1525 in the Rheingau and

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